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- ╔════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
- ║ ║
- ║ Windows NT 3.5 Drivers v3.01 ║
- ║ ║
- ║ for ║
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- ║ SPEA VideoSeven ║
- ╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
- 1. Installing the Windows NT Drivers
- ====================================
- Preparing for Installation:
- The following procedure assumes that the V7-STORM PRO is already
- installed in your system. If it is not, install it now.
- Similarly, make sure that Windows NT Version 3.5 is installed
- on your hard disk. The drivers in this release are written to run only with
- Version 3.5, and not with any other version of this operating system.
- Please boot Windows NT with "Windows NT Workstation Version 3.5 [VGA mode]".
- If the preceding conditions are correct, proceed with driver installation in
- the next section.
- The driver consists of 2 files:
- (situated in directory \SPEA\INSTALL\STORMPRO\NT35 of the CD ROM).
- Installation:
- 1. Please copy a) WEITEKP9.DLL into directory \WINNT35\SYSTEM32
- b) WEITEKP9.SYS into directory \WINNT35\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS
- 2. In the window labeled MAIN, run Control Panel by double-clicking on
- that icon.
- 3. In the Control Panel window, click on Display.
- 4. Click on Change Display Type....
- 5. Click on Change...
- 6. In the displayed list box, select the driver 'Weitek P9000
- Graphics Adapter' and click 'Install'
- 7. In window 'Installing Driver' click 'Yes'
- 8. Please answer the question whether to take the actual driver or to
- install a new driver with 'Current'
- 9. Choose in the window 'Device Base Address' a suitable address for
- your system and click 'Continue' (Normally the given address should
- be corret)
- 10. Click on OK.
- 11. Click on OK.
- 12. Cick on 'Restart Now'-Checkbox.
- 2. Known Bugs, Notes, and Limitations
- =====================================
- General Notes
- 1. The 16-, 24- and 32-bit-per-pixel drivers are not accelerated; they use a
- dumb frame buffer. The 8-bit drivers are accelerated.
- 2. If you have changed the resolution to one that your monitor cannot
- support, Windows NT provides a way to restart with the last known good
- resolution. To return to the last known good resolution at any time:
- a. Press the Reset button on your system chassis or turn off the
- system and turn it on again.
- The system displays the normal sequence of boot-up messages. It then
- prompts you to select the operating system to start. Select Windows NT
- Version 3.1, or simply wait and Windows NT will be selected by default.
- (Be ready for the next step with your finger over the space bar.)
- b. After all boot-up messages have been displayed, the system briefly
- displays:
- OS Loader V3.1
- Press spacebar NOW to invoke the Last Known Good menu
- You need to press the space bar as this screen is first displayed. This
- screen comes and goes so quickly, you should keep your finger over the
- space bar after the operating system selection in the previous step.
- c. A text screen is displayed labeled Configuration Recovery Menu.
- Follow the directions on the screen. You should choose the Last Known
- Good option.
- Anomalies
- =========
- 1. In 32-bit-per-pixel mode, Paintbrush tools are displayed in monochrome.
- 2. In 32-bit-per-pixel mode, on some systems, running Paintbrush can cause
- a "Memory Read Error" dialog box to be displayed and the running of
- Paintbrush to be terminated.
- 3. In 32- and 16-bit-per-pixel modes, the start-up logo screens of Lotus
- 1-2-3 and Freelance are displayed in monochrome.
- 4. In 32-bit-per-pixel modes, the Minesweeper game is displayed in
- monochrome.
- 5. In 32-bit-per-pixel modes, Microsoft Excel 4.0 toolbar buttons do not
- display as 3-dimensional buttons as they should.
- 6. In 16- and 32-bit-per-pixel modes, Microsoft Works 2.0a toolbar buttons
- do not display as 3-dimensional buttons as they should.
- 7. In 16- and 32-bit-per-pixel modes, the Microsoft Hardware Compatibility
- Test (HCT) font tests return "FAIL".
- 8. When running Word Perfect 5.2 640x480 and 800x600 resolutions, stray
- pixels are left on the screen after closing a file.
- 9. Occasionally, when the cursor changes shape, it will appear to jump.
- (EOF)